After AT&T's $14 billion five-year deal with Ericsson, Nokia announced in September a smaller five-year deal with AT&T to build a fibre network in the U.S., before locking a second one on Tuesday for ...
Näin suomalaiset päättäjät, julkisyhteisöt, yritykset ja muut toimijat ovat päätyneet Elon Muskin panttivangeiksi alustalle, jonka iloisesti tviittaava logo on muuttunut mustanpuhuvaksi ... Kerstin ...
It's been announced that Sweden will mobilize up to 3 warships and an aircraft to monitor sensitive infrastructures in the Baltic Sea. The warships will also monitor Russia's “phantom fleet”, which ...
Jos Janne miettii maailmanuskontoja, kiehtovat häntä eniten pienet liikkeet, jotka vuodesta toiseen pitävät pintansa ilman ...
Aplagon, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing a first-in-class therapeutic for thrombo-inflammatory diseases, known as APAC, a heparin proteoglycan mimetic with antiplatelet and ...
A facade of glimmering steel surrounds this concert hall in southern Poland, designed for a state music school by local ...
Temperatures are pleasant, hovering around 12 to 15C in March, perfect for exploring the vast expanse of one of the most ...
Oral chemesthesis, or chemically induced tactile sensation in the mouth area, affects the consumption and recalled pleasantness of certain foods and drinks, such as chilli sauce and alcoholic ...
Vivianna kertoo Katson haastattelussa, millainen on hänen unelmiensa mies. Vivianna Eksymä on toivonut jo pitkään rinnalleen ...
For the first time in almost 20 years, Walmart has a new logo. The international retailer describes it as a “a comprehensive brand refresh,” but the online world hasn’t been quite so kind to ...