Coffee must have been the secret weapon of Greek, Slav, and Albanian mercenary units, the stratioti, that fought together throughout Europe in the 15th to 18th centuries. The stratioti must have ...
Howth Goat Herder, Katie Abel, and Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Brian McDonagh. Pic: Fingal County Council A goat herder in Howth has been gifted a new eCargo bike by Fingal County Council to help with ...
Four persons have been confirmed dead, alongside 15 cattle and 20 goats in an accident on the Agaie-Lapai Road in the Agaie Local Government of Niger State. The crash, which was caused as a result ...
KAMPALA, Uganda—The genocide the U.S. says is under way in Sudan started like this: In 2002, bandits attacked a caravan led by a young herder named Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, killing dozens of his ...
These farms open their gates up to four times annually for goat herders keen on adopting sustainable practices.
In addition to organisational assistance, financial aid is provided to cover training expenses. These farms open their gates up to four times annually for goat herders keen on adopting sustainable ...
Pinpointing key risk factors of transmission of PPRV, a virus that produces a highly infectious and often fatal disease in sheep and goats, could improve vaccination campaigns to control the virus.
The Neolithic communities of the Iberian Peninsula were already strategically and efficiently managing cattle herds 6,000 years ago, moving them from low pasture lands to mid-mountain regions to ...
As a digitally financially included herder, he exemplifies the possibilities of financial inclusion. Musa, who manages over 100 cattle, joined a cooperative society three years ago that trained ...