Despite record levels of student loan forgiveness, student debt totals are higher today than when President Biden took office ...
Her book on the student debt crisis, Sunk Cost, will be published in April 2025. You can follow her on Twitter @JillianBerman. Back To Top ...
The dramatic increase in student loan debt is limiting upward mobility for young Americans and eroding popular faith in the American Dream. That’s turned college loans into a volatile issue ...
Ultimately, this is part of the reason we have an unprecedented student debt crisis on our hands, and why so many people with debt continue struggling year after year. The fact is, students can ...
Instead of working to address the student debt crisis and reduce these costs, congressional leaders are pushing dangerous cuts that will cause monthly payments to spike and make paying for college ...
When the Biden administration's plan to address the student debt crisis first made headlines, her reaction was a mix of skepticism and confusion. "It's just so much disillusionment with everything ...
“We are disgusted by the overtly partisan Supreme Court ruling,” said Natalia Abrams, president of the Student Debt Crisis Center. “This means that borrowers have to continue to fight. This is not ...
“There’s not really anyone to talk to,” said Rooks, who added he has learned more from his work with the Student Debt Crisis Center advocacy group than from anyone on campus. “It’s crazy that we’re ...
Mitchell is an entertaining guide along that route, introducing us to the colorful personalities that proved influential in the student debt expansion and real borrowers who were crushed by the ...
This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section. These teaching notes describe one educator’s experience facilitating dialogue around student debt and college cost in the first-year ...