Secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Marco Rubio, aseguró que el gobierno de Donald Trump aún no ha discutido dicho tema.
The White House yesterday walked back President Trump’s order to freeze trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans. A ...
He was a popular TV journalist when elected as El Salvador’s first modern-day leftist leader in 2009, but he went into exile ...
Mauricio Funes fue el primer presidente de El Salvador abiertamente de izquierdas en ser ungido por el sufragio universal ...
¿Cuál fue el legado de Funes? ¿Por qué vivía en Nicaragua? ¿Cómo evitó enfrentar la justicia? El expresidente de El Salvador, ...
Former El Salvador President Mauricio Funes, who spent the final years of his life in Nicaragua to avoid various criminal sentences, died late Tuesday.
El expresidente de El Salvador Mauricio Funes (2009-2014) será enterrado en Nicaragua tras fallecer anoche a los 65 años "como resultado de su grave dolencia crónica", informó este miércoles ...
El Salvador's ex-president Mauricio Funes died Tuesday at the age of 65 in Nicaragua, where he fled two years after leaving ...
Mauricio Funes, former President of El Salvador (2009-2014), died at 65 in Nicaragua, where he had sought refuge to avoid corruption charges. Funes faced multiple convictions related to corruption ...
His last sentence came just last year in June. He was sentenced to eight years in prison for receiving an airplane as a kickback for awarding a construction contract for a bridge project. He was ...
Mauricio Funes, a former journalist in El Salvador who was elected president in 2009 as a left-leaning outsider promising to battle corruption but later fled the country amid probes into graft and ...