I've been reviewing hardware and software, devising testing methodology and handed out buying advice for what seems like forever; I'm currently absorbed by computers and gaming hardware, but ...
Previously, Bloomberg had reported that a new Apple TV model would be released in early 2024 with a faster chip, but such rumors didn’t come to fruition. However, Apple TV rumors are back on the ...
The best cheap 4K TVs combine great picture performance with the latest smart TV features, without breaking the bank. Best cheap 4K TVs 2020: the best budget TVs : Read more just bought 50pus8402 from ...
Sestdien notikušajā Baltijas Handbola līgas spēlē Dobelē pašreizējā Baltijas un Latvijas čempione ZRHK "Tenax Dobele" smagā cīņā ar 32:35 (17:22) zaudēja savai tiešajai konkurentei - Tallinas komandai ...
Kopš 2014.gada jūnija, kad Latvijā pirmo reizi tika reģistrēts ĀCM, vīruss konstatēts kopumā 9799 mežacūkām, tostarp 2014.gadā Latvijā ĀCM tika konstatēts 217 mežacūkām, 2015.gadā – 1048, 2016.gadā – ...