Winston has become beloved by the masses, not just for his unique pregame speeches and highly entertaining play, but also because he's able to embrace a meme. In a world where it's easy to get ...
Winston has never been able to live that one down and now, he’s fully embracing the memes and providing a ... in place of injured starter Deshaun Watson. Across his 10-year NFL career, Winston ...
My innocent "Let Kevin pick the QB" take is now a sports talk radio meme. I hereby disown it ... because it shows the players disowning Deshaun Watson, who is still owned millions by the franchise ...
In 2022, look at how quickly the market heated up for Deshaun Watson in only a week or two ... be reinvigorated with posting Berry laser eye memes. So if the Browns do trade that pick, what ...
The Cleveland Browns had an utterly disappointing season, finishing last in the AFC North with a 3-14 record. Although the franchise didn’t make it to the playoffs, Jameis Winston, who started in ...
Jameis Winston the FOX Sports digital correspondent for Super Bowl week is going exactly how you would expect it to go.
Discussing the development on First Take, Stephen A. Smith placed the blame for Garrett's demand at the feet of one person: Deshaun Watson. "I'm not surprised and I completely support Myles ...
Stephen A. Smith on Myles Garrett requesting a trade from the Browns: "The person that I blame the most, unfortunately, ...
Fans flocked to social media to call out the Browns for driving Garrett out of town after the trade involving Deshaun Watson. "The Deshaun Watson trade cost the Browns three first-round picks ...
Throughout his college career at Clemson, Deshaun Watson was often compared with former Auburn superstar and Heisman Trophy winner Cam Newton. This is because both were elite dual-threat ...
It’s the continuing fallout of one of the worst trades in NFL history — the Browns' 2022 decision to trade six draft choices, including three first-rounders, to acquire Deshaun Watson from ...
It starts, as always, with the quarterback. Deshaun Watson appeared in seven games before suffering a season-ending Achilles injury. Then, he tore his Achilles a second time, which puts his ...