Irv Gotti, a music mogul who founded Murder Inc. Records and was behind major hip-hop and R&B artists such as Ashanti and Ja ...
If the link is not working, try using the right mouse button/save link target as... You can only log in once at a time on a download server. If you want to download a ...
Both films have captivated audiences nationwide, with the debut film springing a surprise cameo from rock band Def Leppard. Witnessing the struggles of local businesses and residents amidst the ...
Most likely, the industrial output in Romania ended 2024 with a slightly deeper decline, after a 3% y/y contraction in 2023. The country's industry has been losing ground since before the COVID-19 ...
Def Jam, who reportedly signed Ball to a record deal (including his own label) worth as much as $13 million, is betting on that dynamic changing. The hefty contract came from the buzz of Ball ...
Călin Georgescu a lansat un nou atac la adresa NATO și a susținut, într-un interviu acordat conspiraționistului american de extremă dreapta Alex Jones, că actualul secretar general al Alianței ...
Fair organizers announced country singer Parker McCollum and rockers Def Leppard performing on the stage at the Grandstand this summer First up, country music singer-songwriter Parker McCollum ...
It didn't take long for former Charlotte Hornet s forward LiAngelo Ball to become a big-time hit in the music industry. On January 3rd, Ball released his debut single, "Tweaker," which has ...
Basketball player and rapper LiAngelo Ball has signed an $8 million deal with music company Def Jam Recordings following his hit track Tweaker. The news was first shared by a senior NBA insider at ...
UE pregăteşte cel de-al 16-lea pachet de sancţiuni care vizează economia Rusiei, înainte de a se împlini trei ani de la invazia la scară largă a Moscovei în Ucraina, în februarie 2022. Cele 10 ţări - ...