But that all changed in 1893 at the World’s Fair in Chicago, when Charles Cretors & Company unveiled the first popcorn machine. The device tossed popcorn as it cooked, making it way easier to ...
At the end of the 19th century, a confectioner from Chicago, Charles Cretors, created a steam-powered machine for roasting corn kernels. He sold these in special horse-drawn carts near circuses ...
Cinemark Theatres is celebrating National Popcorn Day by offering to fill any container full of popcorn for $5.
Get your buckets ready for National Popcorn Day, because Cinemark Theatres, the nation's third-largest theater chain, is prepared to fill any container full of buttery popcorn to celebrate while ...
Theater chains across the country are celebrating National Popcorn Day on Sunday with a variety of specials for moviegoers. According to the National Day Calendar, Americans consume 13 billion ...
Sara Krauz joined Kansas Athletics in July 2008 and serves as the IT Manager. Krauz helps with managing and enhancing the IT systems and processes deployed by Kansas Athletics to support its ...
Ryan Holland joined the Kansas baseball staff full time in December 2023. Holland started as a graduate assistant in August 2022 before becoming a full-time member of the staff. Holland is responsible ...
Popping popcorn is the number one use for microwave ovens. Most microwave ovens have a “popcorn” control button.
Popcorn is a snack that has witnessed many things, including embarrassing first dates, blockbuster films, and endless sofa marathons. We celebrate National Popcorn Day today (January 19), a day ...