The Doomsday Clock now stands at 89 seconds to midnight, the closest to catastrophe in its nearly eight-decade history.
Earth is moving closer to destruction, a science-oriented advocacy group said Tuesday as it advanced its famous “Doomsday ...
The metaphorical clock on the University of Chicago campus ticked forward to 89 seconds to midnight, the closest it has been ...
The Doomsday Clock has been moved forward to 89 seconds to midnight. It comes as last year, the clock remained at 90 seconds, ...
The Doomsday Clock is updated every year and tells us how close we are to the end of civilisation as we know it.
Seventy-eight years ago, scientists created a unique sort of timepiece — named the Doomsday Clock — as a symbolic attempt to ...
Get real-time updates on international politics, economic changes, conflicts, and environmental issues. Access the latest ...
“Well, through the night I heard it give three cuckoos then say, ‘Oh, sh**!’ before cuckooing three more times. Then it ...