After yesterday's attacks, new attacks this morning by hackers from the pro-Russian crew Noname057(16) on Italian targets: this time the targets are the websites of banks (such as Intesa, Monte ...
Violent crash this morning at dawn on the road from Serrenti to Samassi. A car with a girl driving was involved, which went off the road in an artichoke field. The young woman, who suffered a ...
Pasta, flour, butter, meat, fruit and vegetables. But also coffee, bills, insurance, bank accounts, school supplies and much more. The prices and bills, extremely high for those who have to buy or ...
Alarm in Berlin, where a massive deployment of police forces intervened in an elementary school in the Schmargendorf district. The operation began around 4.15 pm, Bild states on its website that ...
Tragedy in a restaurant in Most, Czech Republic, about 70 kilometers northwest of the capital Prague, where at least 6 people died in a fire that broke out in a restaurant. Another 8 were injured ...
The derby of the islands offers the first time as a former player of Stefano Gentile. Tomorrow evening in Trapani (20.30) Dinamo will face the second-placed team with the playmaker who wore the ...
New development in the story of the woman from Ischia who left her husband, throwing him out, to pursue a relationship with the parish priest of her neighborhood: the bishop has in fact accepted ...
Alba Veronica Puddu, 53, from Tertenia, had been sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance: the patients had abandoned traditional therapies. Partial mental defect recognized The ...
The Court of Cassation confirms the three-year prison sentence for manslaughter against the doctor Massimiliano Mecozzi, 62 years old, from Pesaro, for the death of little Francesco Bonifazi, the ...
The person responsible for the fire set last December 4 inside the offices used by the social services staff of Alghero has been identified. The Carabinieri of Alghero have ascertained that the ...
Oiviero Toscani 's conditions are worsening: the 82-year-old photographer has been hospitalized since today in Cecina, in the province of Livorno. He was admitted to the emergency room and then to ...
One hundred and thirty-six arrests and 1,039 reports. And then 915 public order services with the overall use of over 1,800 soldiers, both from the Provincial Command and from the ninth ...