It’s important to choose a substitute that fits your dietary ... It is about three times as sweet as sugar. Maple syrup has a low glycemic index and vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Use these six natural sugar substitutes to help you monitor your refined sugar intake. The best part is that they are likely ...
Whether sugar substitutes are a healthier choice for ... you’re likely familiar with such as Splenda, Equal, and Sweet’n Low. These are intense sweeteners, so you only need a little bit ...
Which fruits are high in sugar? Fruits with the most sugar for healthy energy include dates, grapes, mango, cherries and more ...
Artificial sweeteners are everywhere, even in foods you may not consider sweet. Here are five expert tips on how to cut or ...
Those sugar-free products you're buying to stay healthy–it turns out they might not be as beneficial as you think. Consumer Reports looks at why experts are raising concerns about sugar substitutes ...