Once a year, the Large Hadron Collider smashes lead ions. But how do scientists get a heavy metal into a particle accelerator ...
One source of background is the shower of cosmic rays that constantly bombard the Earth. While the space particles don’t affect most experiments, they could completely drown out the whisper of a faint ...
A proposed funding program for small- and medium-scale projects reveals insights into the science, logistical challenges, and future of particle physics research. Particle physicists have a reputation ...
The Standard Model is a kind of periodic table of the elements for particle physics. But instead of listing the chemical elements, it lists the fundamental particles that make up the atoms that make ...
Symmetry receives funding through the US Department of Energy.
Symmetry receives funding through the US Department of Energy.
Symmetry receives funding through the US Department of Energy.
Symmetry receives funding through the US Department of Energy.
Symmetry receives funding through the US Department of Energy.
Symmetry receives funding through the US Department of Energy.