If there is an issue with your vaccination record, please contact the clinic where you received your vaccine or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) if you were vaccinated at a Queensland Health vaccination ...
COVID-19 is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is a respiratory virus that affects humans. Coronaviruses can cause illnesses that range in severity; from ...
Although there are no longer any Public Health Directions requiring the use of face masks, you may still be asked to wear one. Some settings and workplaces are considered higher risk because there are ...
register to receive your land valuation notice by email update your email address update your postal address. Make sure your contact details are up to date. Landowners must advise the Valuer-General ...
Before being appointed Director-General for the Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business, Chris Lamont was the NSW Small Business Commissioner. In this role he was ...
Our Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group leads and delivers simple and effective access to services for all Queenslanders, and drives a more digitally enabled and responsive government. We ...
be transparent about government performance provide opportunities for financial, social, environmental, and economic benefits through research and innovative re-use contribute to more effective ...
Activity Provider means an organisation that is registered under the FairPlay vouchers program at the time of this Round opening. Department means the State of Queensland (represented by the ...
The Organisations Fund 2026-2029 is a four-year funding program that supports small-to-medium Queensland-based arts and cultural organisations to be stronger businesses. The Fund recognises small to ...
We operate several portable customer service units in rural and remote areas of Queensland to provide greater access to our services.
Carer Connect is a web and mobile app that allows Queensland foster and kinship carers to access and submit important information about children in their care, in an efficient and convenient way.
Queensland Health no longer provides free rapid antigen tests (RATs) for COVID-19. If you have cold or flu symptoms, we recommend you stay at home and do not visit people in high risk settings such as ...