"This case once again shatters the myth that iOS is somehow impervious to threats posed by malicious apps targeting Android,” ...
It says something for Apple’s reputation that a new warning of malicious App Store apps caused such a furor. As I reported ...
A new case of iPhone malware has been discovered in apps downloaded from the App Store. It reads your screenshots looking for ...
SparkCat is a malware that hides in legitimate and malicious apps in order to steal sensitive data from screenshots.
An alarming new warning for iPhone and Android users has just hit users, with a cybersecurity firm warning that apps in both ...
Malware that includes code for reading the contents of screenshots has been found in suspicious App Store apps for the first ...
A sneaky piece of iOS and Android malware is out in the wild, stealing sensitive information captured via screenshots.
Plenty of apps have full access to your photo library, and that might not always be a good thing. Apps that can access all ...
According to cybersecurity company Kaspersky, crypto-stealing malware has been found on Apple's App Store for the first time.
Last month, we covered a new SMS phishing scam (or smishing for short) specifically targeting iPhone users. The idea behind ...
A new piece of malware has been discovered on the App Store that attempts to steal information from unsuspecting users by ...