Captive whales don't have enough space to reach these speeds. Ultimately, the curved dorsal fin is still a mystery. Curved, or not, the orca's giant fin is a beacon to all, this apex predator is a ...
Whale shark with injury to the dorsal fin, likely to be caused by collision with a vessel. Credit: Gonzalo Araujo ...
There is excitement and concern for North Atlantic right whale mother and calf spotted in busy shipping lanes.
The NYS DEC shared that the whale received the name Accordion after researchers observed scarring on her back that was likely ...
including developing the hallmark collapsed dorsal fin, he added. "I think we've got to wise up. The natural place for a whale or dolphin is in the wild." There are few examples of captive marine ...
“It’s a whale Eden,” our guide proclaimed as orca pods surged nearby, their dorsal fins riding like sails above the sea, and humpbacks lunged for fish. One pod’s calves playfully surfed in ...
Other than being known for her Broadway-caliber behavior, the juvenile whale was also the easiest to spot because of its distinctive scarring along its dorsal fin — a harbinger of the mammal’s ...
Researchers at the Pacific Whale Foundation completed a study using ... was also reviewed to identify dolphins with scars on dorsal fins, mouth lines and bodies that may indicate past interactions ...