The Columbia University physicist untangles the science behind the idea that the whole universe is built from tiny vibrating strings Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing Our Partners ...
String theory is perhaps the most high-profile candidate for what physicists call a theory of everything – a single mathematical framework capable of describing the entirety of the known universe.
String theory suggests that the most fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles like electrons or quarks, but tiny, vibrating strings of energy. It is the vibration and arrangement ...
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku explains why he thinks string theory is the best way to understand how the universe works. US Treasury Secretary says they are focusing on bond yields rather than ...
For decades now, many physicists have pursued the hope that equations involving an especially tiny "string" could provide the theory that solves nature's ultimate subatomic mysteries. String ...
The universe is crying out the presence of G-d, and despite appearances, reality is truly unlimited.
Bootstrapping strings Evidence that string theory could be the sole viable “theory of everything” has emerged in a new theoretical study of particle scattering. (Courtesy: iStock/Anadmist) Striking ...
His contributions to string theory have been myriad, including the time in 1995 when he gave the then somewhat moribund field a much-needed boost by showing how the five different variations of ...
Over recent months, a fair bit of mud has been slung in the theoretical physics community over the issue of string theory: has it failed to deliver as a 'theory of everything', and should we still ...
T'puram: An eight-member sitar artists group, the String Theory, will perform at Goethe-Zentrum in the city at 7pm on Thursday.