Tamil Nadu BJP president urges Tangedco to adjust online system for micro units' electricity tariff classification III A (1).
If implemented, goods subject to 201, 232 and 301 tariffs would no longer be able to claim the exemption and avoid duties.
The Tribunal noted that the classification proposed by the investigating agency should not have been imposed without ...
The proposed rule also introduces stricter standards for de minimis shipments, including a requirement for a 10-digit tariff ...
Chinese goods are currently subject to a 100% tariff on electric vehicles and ... according to the classification system the US government uses. Valued at $39 billion, the second biggest category ...
TANGEDCO clarifies MSMEs must apply for tariff change from IIIB to IIIA (1) to avoid higher electricity charges.
Therefore, the subject goods, being NTC thermistors used for temperature sensing. are correctly classifiable under CTI ...