The Bollywood film Singam is the Hindi remake of the Tamil film starring Surya. The movie centers on the life of the sub - inspector Ajay Devgan, who is brave and just. As a fulfillment of his ...
Q: Is Singham Flop or Hit? A: The performance of Singham was Hit. Q: What is the overall Box Office Collection of Singham? A:Singham collected ₹147.89 cr. at the worldwide box office.
The franchise – initially based on Hari's 2010 Tamil-language "Singam," starring Suriya – kicked off with "Singham" (2011) and "Singham Returns" (2014), both centering on Bajirao Singham (Ajay ...
Q: Is Singham Returns Flop or Hit? A: The performance of Singham Returns was Super-Hit. Q: What is the overall Box Office Collection of Singham Returns? A:Singham Returns collected ₹220.5 cr.