The film follows best friends Rafe McCawley (Ben Affleck) and Danny Walker (Josh Hartnett) as they navigate love, war, and betrayal amidst a fictionalised version of the attack on Pearl Harbor and ...
The picture, however, is from when Affleck first met Garner. Affleck played Captain Rafe McCawley in the classic war drama while Garner had a smaller role, playing a nurse named Sandra.
Identity Heft: Arnold (Galen Gering, r.) has assumed Rafe’s life again with an assist from EJ (Dan Feuerriegel). Soap Opera Digest: This takeover was set in motion after Rafe and Arnold came ...
The photo was taken from Pearl Harbor (2001), in which Affleck played the lead role of Captain Rafe McCawley. The On the Floor singer wrote “Our hero” in the post, attaching a white heart ...