What would a dance be without music? With an eclectic and exciting mix of different genres, live acts include DJ Lone Sav, ...
Revisiting 'Der Mussolini', the 1981 single by German duo DAF, which defined the early days of industrial electro-punk, with ...
The band epitomized the new punk spirit in rock, injecting a new destructive energy at a time when the wider world of corporate rock was glossing over the genre’s rebellious roots. Chaos was ...
Punk rock band Fear caused mayhem on Saturday Night Live on Halloween ... Then I heard that Belushi was going to bring a crew from Washington to dance around the stage. There wasn't a riot, they ...
Notable groups in the lineup include Spray Allen and Change Today, with Joe Wood doing a set from his ten years with TSOL.
More than just a musical genre, punk music, or punk rock, became an actual movement ... and acts such as Blondie and Talking Heads added an electronic dance element to their music.
“Learning how to let go is cunty/Having cum on my shirt is cunty/Sensing boundaries is cunty/Respecting others is cunty,” they offer, over a danced-up electro-punk whirr that would’ve been ...
It’s Saturday, Punk Rock Bowling at the Downtown Las Vegas ... 8:43 p.m. “I don’t know about you, but I came here to dance,” announces Gorilla Biscuits frontman Anthony “Civ” Civarelli ...
The impassioned beating of Japanese taiko drums reverberated throughout the halls of Kidill’s Paris Fashion Week show.
The real beauty of punk rock, from its inception onwards, was its ability to inspire groups and sub-groups of kids to coalesce into scenes across Britain. Wales was no exception, writes Noel Gardner.