Besonders angetan hat es mir die Strecke „Pflaster Berlin“: Man fährt unter anderem über die Oberbaumbrücke. Dazu gleich mehr. Die Tagesspiegel-App Aktuelle Nachrichten, Hintergründe und ...
He has now followed up with a splendid new Berlin-themed piece of his vivid ISOMATIC series that you need to see. In vibrant, joyful colors he created an optimistic utopia based on the iconic ...
The longest preserved piece of the Berlin Wall, standing between Ostbahnhof and Oberbaumbrücke, is known worldwide as the East Side Gallery. After the Wall fell, 118 artists from 21 countries ...
Drone shot of a train crossing The Oberbaum Bridge (Oberbaumbrücke) it is a double-deck bridge crossing Berlin's River Spree, considered one of the city's landmarks. It links Friedrichshain and ...
The solar boat starts the tour with a trip through the beautiful Oberbaumbrücke, then the Suncat passes the world famous East Side Gallery. It is the only stopover at the Fischerinsel in the historic ...
Die rbbKultur Klassik Lounge verspricht einen unterhaltsamen und anregenden Abend im Watergate Club, direkt an der Oberbaumbrücke in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Für die Unterhaltung gibt es eine Bar ...