I’ve been thinking about having a storm home. Garrison Keillor tells a story about winter in Lake Wobegon. Each year, before the season of wind and snow really set in, students were assigned ...
The Imago Mundi, the world's oldest map, has been re-examined by scientists who now claim it shows the exact location of Noah ...
The search for Noah's Ark has long captured the imagination of believers and skeptics alike. Now, a new claim from experts suggests that the legendary ship might be buried beneath a remote ...
In that spirit, I wanted to share with you one of Kaczmarski, Gintrowski, and Łapinski’s great songs, “Noah’s Ark”. It references the Biblical story of Noah, who survived a massive, months-long flood ...
In Monaco, a team of scientists have decided to create a "Noah's Ark" for coral reefs, hoping to collect and preserve all species known to humankind before it's too late. Our Down to Earth team ...