Atlantic spotted dolphins feed on fish, squid, and small invertebrates. The pod hunts cooperatively at night, circling their prey to prevent them from escaping. Females, which reach sexual ...
Orcas are known to have an extremely varied diet ... seabirds and fish. Through their observations, scientists recorded evidence of the Chilean orcas hunting dusky dolphins — which killer ...
Juvenile dolphins were found to have specialized receptors for fatty acids on their tongues, offering new insights into their growth and feeding habits. Juvenile dolphins were found to have ...
Bigeye trevallies (Caranx sexfasciatus) prey on schools of small fish using a very different approach than do bottlenose dolphins ... mainly subsist on a diet of benthic algae; but they have ...
Juvenile bottlenose dolphins possess specialized receptors on their tongues to detect fatty acids in their mother's milk, compensating for their limited olfactory capabilities in aquatic environments.