The Amon Carter added a mature content warning soon after opening “Cowboy,” a show originally aimed at “disrupting” the portrayal of the Western ideal as cisgender, straight, and white.
GOLDEN • Terry Nash approaches the stage, a yellow bandana fastened around his neck, cowboy hat secured on his head and ...
The latter half of the 19th century saw the "golden age" of the American cowboy; newly-built railroad lines made it easier to transport cattle from the western plains to the east coast ...
Gina Teichert, a painter who grew up in Elko County, stopped by Morning Break to share how Shadow Riders brings together four perspectives on the theme. With support from the state of Nevada, the ...
Take one look at paintings by the late Chinese-American artist Walasse Ting and you will immediately feel a sense of joy and exuberance. The artist is known for his unapologetic use of lively ...
Ode 2 Art Academy, founded by artist Ed Salazar, provides virtual lessons. Salazar also paints Western art in his free time.