A buck was likely doomed to a slow demise after getting caught on a dead rival’s antlers, but a well-placed shotgun blast ...
The Pennsylvania Game Commission says it's received dozens of tips about two snowmobilers caught on camera chasing and running over a fox in Lebanon County. "Right now, we're just running down all of ...
Oklahoma Game Wardens released video of two antlered deer locked together in Muskogee County south of Haskell.Game Warden ...
Two experienced duck hunters from Louisiana recently found themselves in a desperate situation while at a North Texas lake ...
Snow geese have been turning up dead at two spots in the Lehigh Valley, considered the epicenter of the continuing threat of ...
Darren Kuhn, an administrative Wisconsin DNR conservation warden in the Green Bay area, was called upon to help a field ...
As freezing temperatures blasted the coast, many turtles were left “cold-stunned” and in need of rehabilitation.
Snow geese have been turning up dead at two spots in the Lehigh Valley, considered the epicenter of the continuing threat of ...
A Hawley resident says "aggressive" deer are eating shrubs and making a mess defecating. "I'd like the borough to do ...
In the fall of 1995 Lee Anderson was hoping to get on with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks as a game warden. So he volunteered for the agency and for several months, picked up road kills alongside ...
The Pennsylvania Game Commission says it's received dozens of tips about two snowmobilers caught on camera chasing and running over a fox in Lebanon County.